This question has already led to some discussions between me and my husband before we have informed ourselves. Is the quality of the food really so much better that the higher price is worth it? In principle, everyone can decide for themselves, but you should know the difference beforehand.
Eat less poison with organic food
Organic goods are subject to stricter rules, more control and lower limits than other foods. Organic food has lower residues of pesticides and other chemicals. They are not allowed to exceed a certain limit of pollutant levels. If they do, they are often sold as regular products, i.e. without the organic label.
There are also fewer resistant germs or antibiotic residues on organic animal products.
The rules for organic differ slightly depending on the country you live in. Find out exactly what makes organic food in your country different from regular food. These general advantages are nevertheless the same
Organic products are healthier
With eggs, for example, it has been found that organic eggs contain significantly more vitamins.
Organic meat also contains more omega-3 fatty acids, which are very important for our bodies and which we eat far too little of.
Organic fruit and vegetables also make a difference: they develop fewer secondary plant compounds when they are not organic. Secondary plant compounds are developed by a plant to attract beneficial insects and repel predators. How these substances affect our bodies is only partially understood scientifically. But we do know that some secondary plant substances, for example, train our immune system, have an anti-inflammatory or antibacterial effect, keep us young, aid digestion or lower blood pressure.

Organic vegetables and fruit taste better
The secondary plant substances are also responsible for the smell and aroma. With some products you can taste the difference between fresh organic produce from the market or the bag from the discounter. Especially when it comes from the region and is in season.
Please wash!
With organic products, it is still important to wash the food thoroughly. Here you do not have to wash down any chemicals as with the sprayed food, but organic products therefore often have a somewhat higher load of bacteria, fungi and germs. This "problem" can be solved by simply washing the food.
Environmental factor and animal welfare
While the environment has only an indirect or long-term impact on your health and nutrition, improved animal welfare and environmental protection are benefits of organic food. Organic farming often uses more environmentally friendly practices, such as not using synthetic pesticides and fertilisers, which can help reduce the impact on soil, water and the environment. Organic animal husbandry also often has stricter standards for animal welfare and species-appropriate husbandry.
The disadvantages of organic food?
When asking whether it is worth the extra price to buy more organic products from now on, one could counter that the health effects are not that huge. The price of organic is often much higher.
Unfortunately, organic food does not have such a long shelf life. In general, it is better to eat fresh anyway.
There are still disadvantages to production, such as less efficiency or lower yields, but these do not directly affect your health or your personal wallet.
What's your opinion? Is it worth the extra cost to you?